#gbsmasterprograms news

GBS is offering a new service where we give prospects the chance to meet us for a 1:1 consultation. We asked Recruiting & Admissions Manager Jacqueline what's behind this new service and how interested applicants can get in touch.
Jacqueline, you have already been on tour during this year’s recruiting cycle to represent GBS and the Master of Digital Transformation Management (MBA) in various cities. Could you tell us a little more about the new service GBS is offering to get to know the programs better?
Candidates interested in GBS master programs regularly live and work all across Germany – and even Europe. It can sometimes be overwhelming to travel to campus for a consultation especially when they are in the early stages of their information search. To make information and a personal face-to-face consultation as easy and convenient as possible, we decided to meet prospects directly in their city. I also think that it is sometimes easier to discuss individual cases and particular questions in person rather than via email or in a Zoom meeting. You can read facial expressions, body language, and ask for clarification right away. It makes communication much easier.
Will you be touring in other cities, too?
We will continue adding cities to our travel plans. If you do not find your city yet, just send us an email and we will make sure to meet you in your city.
Are there other ways to meet the R&A Team and receive consultation? What are the advantages of a face-to-face meeting on site compared to an online meeting?
In the last two years, many meetings were not possible in presence and online meetings have become a matter of course for many. This is why we will of course continue to offer online consultation as this is an easy way to receive information about the program and feedback on your individual profile. However, as our part-time programs require students to be on campus every second weekend, it is also very important to get an impression of our excellent infrastructure and the campus “look and feel” as early as possible. In the end, one needs to feel welcomed and comfortable at the place where they will spend a lot of time over the next two years. But in the end, each consultation is what you make of it, and we are prepared to go many ways.
Should you be interested in meeting our R&A Team colleagues, get in touch with them via recruiting@gbs.uni-frankfurt.de or fill out this contact form.
Don’t forget: The MBA application deadline for the intake in October 2022 is Wednesday, August 31, 2022.
#financemaster news
Networking at & with FIRM

The Frankfurt Institute for Risk Management and Regulation (FIRM) stands for a close exchange between banks and associations, initiatives and auditing firms, the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) and the State of Hesse. The goal of FIRM: to promote teaching and research around the world of risk management and regulation – especially with regard to the financial industry – as well as close networking. For this, FIRM hosted the FIRM Research Conference 2022 where experts in the field of risk management and regulation got together and presented compelling findings on the future of work, retail investors and ESG as well as on a study on results of regulatory audits.
GBS #financemaster student Tom Dittrich joined the event and gave us a glimpse of his FIRM experience and the benefits of being a FIRM Scholar.

In June 2022, I had the opportunity to participate in a personal meeting among FIRM members for the first time as a FIRM scholarship holder. The occasion for the event organized at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management was this year's research conference with a subsequent award ceremony. At the event, which took place online and in person, three dissertations were presented by the speakers, which dealt with the broad topics of clearing, securitization and mortgage restrictions. Afterwards, Dr. Fechtner from Börsenzeitung awarded the research prize to Dr. Kabas who examined in his thesis if household leverage matters for worker job search, matching in the labor market and wages. To conclude the evening, the invited guests had a dinner together to get to know each other on a personal level and to exchange their individual impressions. Due to my daily work in Banking Supervision, it was even more interesting to gain further insights into the practical issues of Risk Management, as the participants have been rooted in various parts of the financial system. Likewise, the open and personal exchange among the members contributed to a pleasant atmosphere, which makes me look forward to the next events.
You may find more information and impressions on the event in the latest FIRM newsletter.
Are You Exploring Your Options In Financial Education?

Register now for an Information Session about the part-time Master in Finance program!
If you are a finance professional seeking to enhance your career prospects and grow in your job, you are invited to register for one of the upcoming Information Sessions about the Master in Finance program. This innovative program provides a deep dive into the fascinating world of finance and its main drivers: financial technology management and risk management and regulation.
Information Sessions will take place on Campus Westend at Goethe University as well as online.
For the Master in Finance program starting in April 2023, we welcome applications via our online application portal from August 1, 2022 onwards.
#pharmamba & #digitalmba News
Summer Summit 2022 - Digital Transformation in Health
Jointly organized by GBS and the House of Pharma & Healthcare, this year’s Summer Summit was dedicated to the topic “Digital Transformation in Health” and again proved to be an ideal occasion to network and discuss cutting-edge topics with leading representatives from diverse practices. Overall, the summit expert contributions showed that the digitization of healthcare in Germany remains rather sluggish, but is making increasingly rapid progress in the pharmaceutical and medical technology sectors – and thus ideally paying into the further development of our new GBS certificate program "Data Science in Health".
Following the compelling words of welcome from Goethe University’s newly appointed CIO, Ulrich Schielein, Dr. Sven Mensing from Abbvie Deutschland and Elena Bonfiglioli from Microsoft Corporation gave insights into their companies' activities in the field of digitalization in two impressive keynote lectures.
Moderated by Dr. Carolin Bender, alumna of the Digital Transformation MBA, and Dr. Marko Vesic, student of the Pharma MBA program, the CTO of Siemens Healthineers, Dr. Peter Schardt, and Prof. Dr. Jochen Maas (General Manager R&D Sanofi-Aventis Germany), demonstrated with numerous examples the general importance of digitization for their companies in a panel discussion closing the formal part of the event.
Read more on the event in the latest issue of PZ - Pharmazeutische Zeitung written by Joachim Pietzsch here.
Certified Specialist - Data Science in Health
Introducing the new GBS Certificate Program starting this fall!

Data Science in Health - Future Prospects For the Healthcare Industry
Digital transformation will lead to a massive change in the healthcare industry. From prevention to diagnosis and therapy - digital technologies and the use of (health) data will fundamentally change all components of those value chains. Recognizing the full potential of Big Data, Data Analytics, Machine Learning as well as new business models and benefitting from it is therefore becoming the central challenge, but also an opportunity for specialists and managers, especially in health.
The “Data Science in Health” certificate program provides a thorough understanding of the ecosystem of data in the healthcare industry, of the opportunities and limitations of data analytics as well as its implementation into data-driven decision-making and business models - as a balanced mix of bird's eye view and technological details. Click here for more information in German.
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