Celebrating Excellence: GBS Honors Master & MBA Graduates

On June 29, 2024, Goethe Business School (GBS) bid farewell to 58 Master and MBA students. Graduates from the Master of Pharma Business Administration, Master in Finance, and Master of Digital Transformation Management celebrated the completion of their studies at the prestigious Festsaal, located on Goethe University's Campus Westend. Dr. Christian Jansen, GBS Managing Director, warmly welcomed the graduates, along with their families and friends, to commemorate this significant milestone.

Inspirational Speeches Highlight Graduation Ceremony

Professor Dr. Helge Braun, a member of the German Bundestag and former Federal Minister, delivered an inspirational graduation speech to commence the special occasion. He was introduced by Professor Dr. Jochen Maas, Vice President of the House of Pharma & Healthcare, who encouraged graduates to stay true to themselves and build strong networks. Dr. Helge Braun, who studied medicine and earned his doctorate in 2007, shared his recommendations and provided invaluable advice to the new alumni. In his speech, he emphasized the importance of embracing opportunities, performing one's job with passion, and understanding the significant impact of their roles in today's challenging political and economic climate.

Celebrating Achievements and Memories

The evening continued with entertaining and heartfelt class speeches from representatives of each cohort, followed by the presentation of the Excellence in Teaching Awards. Professors Dr. Steffen Juranek, Dr. Kevin Bauer, Dr. Simone Wies, Dr. Klaus Miller, and Dr. Karolien Notebaert received the highest course evaluations from former students and were honored on stage.

Each year, the top 10% of students, known as the Goethe Scholars, along with nominees for Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS), are recognized for their outstanding achievements. Established in 1913, BGS acknowledges exceptional academic performance in business. The recognition was presented by Associate Managing Director Dr. Anja Weigt and Eric McCloe from Academic Records. Additionally, Academic Directors Prof. Dr. Uwe Walz and Dr. Quintus Russe personally congratulated all Master and MBA graduates.

Festive Reception Concludes the Celebration

Thorsten Schopf, Class of 2007 and member of the GBS Alumni Council, welcomed everyone to a community of lifelong connections. The reception provided an opportunity for graduates to reconnect with their peers, reflect on their journey, and look forward to future endeavors as they join the GBS Alumni Network. With the support and guidance of their mentors and peers, the new graduates are well-prepared to make significant contributions to their fields and to society. Congratulations to the Classes of 2023 and 2024!