VGU Students Get Insights into Frankfurt's Financial World

Master students from the Vietnamese-German University undertook a study trip to Frankfurt in cooperation with Goethe Business School. The “Experience Frankfurt” offered in-depth insights into the world of finance and promoted networking with industry experts, complemented by cultural experiences and academic workshops.

In May 2024, a group of M.Sc. students from the Vietnamese-German University (VGU) specializing in Global Finance and Economics undertook a 14-day study trip to Frankfurt. The “Experience Frankfurt”, organized by Goethe Business School (GBS), offered them deep insights into Germany's dynamic financial landscape and allowed them to network with industry leaders and renowned financial institutions. The Master in Global Finance & Economics prepares aspiring managers for the challenges of today's financial markets and the global economic environment. We run this program full-time in cooperation with the VGU in Vietnam.

The study trip aimed to immerse the students in Frankfurt's vibrant financial sector and to highlight the city's importance as a major German and European financial center. The carefully curated program included visits to key financial institutions, networking events with professionals and peers, and the opportunity to explore the academic environment of Goethe University Frankfurt.

Immersing themselves in Frankfurt's financial sector

During their stay in Frankfurt, the students were very fortunate to be able to visit several renowned financial institutions. At Deutsche Börse, they attended a lecture, visited an exhibition, and explored the trading floor. They learned all about the intricacies of stock exchange operations. At Deutsche Bundesbank, they received a comprehensive introduction to monetary policy and explored the Money Museum to understand the history and functioning of currency systems. At VietinBank, they gained a fascinating insight into the topic of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) in banking. They learned more about the risk, credit, and customer management departments. The Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE offered them fantastic insights into current research work through meetings with experts and participation in a brown bag seminar.

Academic growth and networking

The trip also emphasized academic growth and networking. The students experienced the picturesque Westend campus of Goethe University, which is known for its beautiful architecture and vibrant student life. They had access to university libraries and the information center in the House of Finance, which enhanced their research capabilities. Inspiring workshops and presentations on topics such as sustainability and the importance of FinTechs gave students the opportunity to present their ideas and interact with experts. A networking event with PhD students from the Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management encouraged academic exchange and potential collaboration.

Cultural and scenic experiences

In addition to academic and professional engagements, students had the unique opportunity to explore Frankfurt's impressive cultural heritage and breathtaking scenic beauty. They enjoyed guided tours of Frankfurt, visits to the Hessian Ministry of Science and Culture, and the charming town of Eltville. A guided tour and wine tasting at the historic Eberbach Monastery provided an unforgettable cultural experience.

Successful study trip and prospects for the future

The “Experience Frankfurt” module was a resounding success and provided VGU students with a valuable blend of academic rigor, professional exposure, and cultural enrichment. This trip broadened their understanding of global finance and economics and fostered international friendships and professional networks. Upon their return to Vietnam, the students were able to draw on a wealth of knowledge and experience that will undoubtedly shape their future careers in finance and business. The cooperation between VGU and GBS will continuously evolve. Planning for the next cohort's visit in 2025 is already well underway!