Changing the (Career) World with an MBA Specialization

Are you unsure whether to opt for a general MBA or an MBA with designated specialization options? Moreover, what exactly is the difference? In this post, Dr. Anja Weigt, Associate Managing Director at GBS, explains why an MBA specialization can be particularly advantageous for those who already know which topics they want to focus on in their future career path.

Many students are faced with the choice between a general MBA and an MBA with specialization options. What exactly is the difference?

An MBA program, resulting in a "Master of Business Administration" degree, is generally characterized by its non-consecutive orientation, meaning that participants have at least 2-3 years of professional experience between their first university degree and starting the MBA program. Experienced participants have different further education needs and demands for course content compared to consecutive students, which is why an MBA program usually has high practical relevance. Often, MBA programs are geared towards a generalist approach and offer a range of courses covering various industries and a variety of subject areas. In contrast, an MBA specialization offers students the opportunity to focus on specific subject areas at a certain point in their studies. This is particularly advantageous for those who already have a clear career path in mind. Through specialization, one can build solid expertise in a specific area and establish relationships with experts in the respective niche.

How does this work in the Goethe MBA? And what opportunities are available to students there?

In the redesigned Goethe MBA, students have the opportunity to focus on three highly relevant management topics from the second semester onwards: Digital Transformation, Data Science and


. These focus areas not only provide in-depth insights into pioneering business fields but also offer a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with these topics.

Can you tell us more about the certificates related to the focus areas?

Certainly. Students who opt for a specific focus area have the opportunity to obtain not only a "Master of Business Administration" degree but also a "Certificate of Advanced Studies." This certificate signifies an intensive engagement with a particular subject area and demonstrates an additional qualification that may enhance one's professional prospects.

What about those who don’t want to specialize?

For those who do not have a clear preference for a business area or wish to develop their skills more broadly, the Goethe MBA also offers the opportunity to choose courses from all focus areas. This flexibility allows a tailored education to meet individual backgrounds and career goals.

How flexible is this program for working professionals?

Like most master's programs at GBS, the Goethe MBA can be completed while working and can be finished within two years. Classes are held on Friday afternoons and Saturdays, and they are spread out over the semester to minimize campus presence while still facilitating teamwork and discussions with experts during lectures. Regular attendance is mainly required in the first three semesters, as the fourth semester is primarily reserved for the completion of the master's thesis.

What advice would you give to students who are deciding which path is best for their career?

The decision depends on many factors; unfortunately, there is no standard rule for it. However, whether one aims for a specific field or prefers a broader perspective, the Goethe MBA offers both options and is, therefore, an attractive choice in either case! Moreover, individuals who haven't determined their program choice yet have time until the end of the first semester to decide and consult with fellow students, instructors, or GBS alumni. We always provide thorough insights at our information sessions, where the GBS team is available to answer questions.